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Graham Wynn becomes new Shropshire Community Foundation trustee


A man who’s dedicated his life to the Shropshire business, public and voluntary sectors is set to become the latest trustee of Shropshire Community Foudation

Graham Wynn has joined the board of the Shropshire Community Foundation, a charity responsible for generating investment and channelling donations to ensure they make the greatest possible impact, targeting the most prevalent issues and the most vulnerable communities in the county.

Graham co-founded road safety training business TTC Group alongside his wife Jenny – and was awarded an OBE in 2006 for his contribution to the sector. After retiring from the company, they set up the Wynn Foundation which gives grants to good causes in Shropshire and is also overseeing the expansion of a Prees-based nursing home, and Wynn Developments – specialising in commercial property investment and management.

Alongside this, Graham has undertaken a great deal of voluntary work including – but in no way limited to – with Telford Town Deal Board, Shropshire Society in London, the Royal Air Force Museums as an ambassador, Midlands Air Ambulance, Marches Local Enterprise, Telford and Wrekin Business Board and many other organisations.

His work has seen him travel to Westminster numerous times to discuss issues with MPs, civil services and even two past Prime Ministers, and through his business and volunteering he’s had an extensive insight into the private, public and charity sectors in Shropshire making him well placed to help guide SCF.

He said: “I’m delighted to be able to work with my fellow trustees and the wider team from the Community Foundation, because I think we all have a shared passion. We want the Foundation to be run and managed by people who live here, have businesses or work here, and know the county, what’s needed and where the areas of deprivation area. As beautiful as Shropshire is, we do have areas of deprivation.

“I’m looking forward to working with the team to drive the Foundation forward for the benefit of the communities here. Both myself and my wife Jenny were born and raised in Shropshire and we are committed to our county. We were lucky enough to be successful in our careers and I think we all have to give something back, I’m privileged to be able to do so through our own Foundation and now SCF too.”

The Foundation, which recently celebrated its first anniversary, works with a range of key stakeholders to offer expert advice and support to donors wanting to make a difference within Shropshire. Their guidance enables funders to invest in communities and causes where their assistance is most needed and where their generosity will have the greatest impact.


To find out more about Shropshire Community Foundation and to learn more about our support, grants and events, follow us on social media:




Whilst you’re here, why not meet the board of trustees at Shropshire Community Foundation?


Words by Harriet Ernstsons-Evans, Zen Communications.